How to Decide If a Job is Right For You: Part 2

Last week, our HR consulting firm went over how difficult it can be to decide if a job is right for you in How to Decide If A Job Is Right For You: Part 1. We discussed how making a list of all of the things that are important to you, when it comes to a job, can help when making this difficult decision. This week, our human resources consulting company is here to continue giving you more tips that can help you when struggling to decide if a job is right for you. We will give you key information on analyzing the job in question, when it is ok to turn down a job, and not be afraid of saying no to a job, and tips on when it’s time to say no to a job offer.

How to Decide If a Job Is Right For You: Part 2

Re-examine the job requirements closely before saying “Yes”

There are different strategies you can try when analyzing if a job is right for you. If you are more of an intuitive type. you can simply review the different job duties and reflect on how well you think they match up with your list of things that really matter to you for the job. Trust your gut. If your gut says this is the right job for you, then you have your answer.

You can also try an analytical approach. Assign each criterion on the list you created a number from a scale of 1 to 10. 10 will mean that criterion is very important to you and 1 will mean that criterion is less important to you. Then, go through and rate on a scale from 1 to 10 how much this job will offer you on that particular criterion. For example, if salary is important enough to you that you gave it a score of 10, but the pay the job is offering only scored an 8, then you would have 80 points for salary, 8 x 10 = 80. At the end of your rating process, add up your total score and see how it compares to the highest possible score you could have received.

Either way, you will need to identify deal breakers, if there are any. For example, if the commute to the job will affect your quality of life, that could be a deal breaker.

You don’t have to take the first opportunity offered to you

Today’s job market can be tough. If you are just starting out in the work force, or are coming out of school, there is a temptation to jump at the first opportunity that is offered to you. Remember, it’s much harder to quit a job than it is to say no when offered it. If there are any second thoughts about the job requirements, pay, or other possible issues, it is OK to say NO (Thank you)! As we have said before…trust your gut.

Don’t wait to say no until the job is offered, if you are sure it’s not a good fit

You don't have to wait until they have already offered you the job to say no. If you have applied and are having second thoughts after applying, you can simply ask to be withdrawn from the employer's consideration. If you had a bad experience in the interview or were uneasy by the questions that were asked, you can withdraw your name from consideration. In fact, they will probably be happy that you helped them narrow their search. While looking for the most qualified candidate is important, hiring managers also want the candidate who is the best fit.

It’s also very appropriate to let the company that is hiring know if your personal situation changes. If you are offered another position that you accept, you should contact the company you applied with to let them know you are no longer available. You never know when you may need a job with them down the road, and it keeps them from wasting time/resources by still pursuing you.

Kmet Consulting Is Happy to Help You Make This Decision

Our HR consulting company is there for you throughout the entire job application process, from when you are searching for a job to apply for to making the decision on whether or not the job is right for you. In today’s saturated market, it is hard for even the most qualified applicants to stand out. We help you identify possible careers that relate to your passions. We then string together your skills and past experience to demonstrate that you are a great fit for the job. Then, we help you reach out to your connections and network. We can help you write your resume, prepare for your interview, and go over proper interview etiquette. If you get the job, we can help you determine if its the right fit for you after all. If you are struggling to either find a job or determine if a job is right for you, call Kmet Consulting today at 877-783-5638.



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