Meet The Team Behind The Missouri Employment Conference Webinar!
The Missouri Employment Conference Webinar is less than 2 weeks away and this HR consulting company can't wait! This webinar will be truly helpful to so many people and our HR consulting firm is excited to see it happen. Just a reminder the Missouri Employment Conference will take place via Zoom, Wednesday, May 6th. For more information on that, please visit . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Sue Kmet - Vice President (MO Employment Conference) at Kmet Consulting . She can be reached at 877-783-5638. In the meantime, keep reading this week's blog to get to know the team behind the Missouri Employment Conference Webinar. Source: Meet The Team Behind The Missouri Employment Conference Webinar! Nan Boland - President HireQuality Solutions HireQuality HR Solutions Iowa Employment Conference Missouri Employment Conference Nan’s profes...