5 Tips to Make Your Employee Reviews More Successful

Everyone has their own approach to conducting an employee review, but have you ever thought of how you can improve your process? Have your employee reviews been effective or do you think something could be changed? If you haven't seen much success after conducting reviews with your employees, then this blog is for you. Perhaps you have noticed many employees leaving your company after a review or employees feeling confused or less confident after your reviews. Whatever your issue may be, here are some tips that may help. Our HR consulting firm is here to give you 5 tips to improve your employee performance review process.

5 Tips to Make Your Employee Reviews More Successful 

Tip # 1
Think about having reviews more often.
Having only one employee review a year may not be very effective. Doing this can make it difficult for your employees to continuously improve and get your constructive feedback. Try having at least quarterly reviews or more often in to get better results.

Tip # 2
Set realistic, attainable goals with your employee.
Employee reviews shouldn't just be a meeting about the typical "compliment sandwich," comments about your good work at first, then critiques, ending with more compliments. Ask your employee where they think they should be at within six months to a year. What would they like to accomplish themselves professionally? Help them achieve that goal by laying out a plan to get there.

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going...It's as simple as that." - Earl Nightingale

Tip # 3
Know how to do your employees tasks so you can properly help them improve.
Too often managers will try to critique what their employees do on a daily basis without knowing how to do their job tasks themselves. If you don't know how to do something, how are you going to be able to help someone else do it better? HR managers or managers should take a little bit of time to educate themselves on how to do the tasks of the employees they are critiquing.

Tip # 4
Make your pay raises and employee reviews separate.
Usually when you hear "employee review," you may think annual employee raise. Reviews often include raises, but make the two separate. This way, if your company has a policy of only giving one pay raise a year, then you can still make the time to have quarterly reviews or more.

"Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing." - Warren Bennis

Tip # 5
Recognize your employee for all the good work they do.
Last, but not least, thank your employees for all the hard work they contribute to your company. Make them feel appreciated and thank them for their time. Leave a positive impression on your employee. Employee reviews are meant to help inspire improvement, not to leave the employee feeling less confident about themselves and the work they have been doing.

Bonus Tip!
Don't be vague with your feedback.
Make your feedback clear and to the point. For example, if you are the manager of a restaurant and you are reviewing a cook and would like to see the dishes he or she is making have a better presentation, then clearly explain that. Give them tips on how to accomplish that.

Improve Your Employee Reviews with Some HR Help

Kmet Consulting is here to provide HR help for your business. Our job is to understand your business and people are our passion. We can audit your employee review process and help you determine what needs to be changed to make for a more successful review. To learn more about the HR services we can provide for you, please give us a call at 877-783-5638 or visit our website at www.KmetConsulting.com.



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