What NOT To Do as a Manager

Whether you are aspiring to be a manager one day or are currently in management, this blog is for you. Managers hold a very important role. As a manager, you are meant to set a good example for your employees. If you are negative in the workplace, the odds are, that negativity will trickle down to your employees and effect office morale. To help keep you on track, our HR consulting firm is here to give you a few things to avoid doing as a manager. If you are interested in cultivating employees into managers one day, call Kmet Consulting today at 877-783-5638. We offer leadership development programs that can help transform your employees into strong managers. When creating a leadership development program, our HR consulting company makes sure your business has a clear vision and stated goals, identifies potential candidates and fosters their success.

What NOT To Do as a Manager

Miscommunicate your directions.
Don't be that manager that is too hard to understand and too intimidating to ask questions to. This behavior can not only hurt your company but can also just reflect poorly on you. When you are done give directions to your employees, ask if anyone has questions. If they do, actively listen to their questions and make sure they understand your answers. Let them know that they can come to you at any time if they feel confused. Be the manager that employees feel comfortable enough around to seek out for advice when needed.

Micromanage your employees.
Micromanagement can lead to turnover very quickly. No one likes to feel like they aren't trusted to do what they were hired to do. Don't ask to be copied on every single e-mail and don't sit and watch over your employee's shoulder as they are trying to do their job. Not only can this hurt the employee's productivity but it can also take you away from the work you should be doing as a manager.

Forget that your employees are human beings.
At the end of the day, your employees are human beings and should be treated as such. Humans make mistakes, it happens. You should also never forget that everyone has a bad day every once in a while. Get to know your employees as human beings. Put yourself in their shoes. For example, if you had a sick child at home and couldn't focus on your work because you knew you needed to be there, how would you want your manager to treat you?

Interested in Developing Your Employees into Leaders with Kmet Consulting?

Cultivating in-house talent is crucial to your organization’s success. Leadership programs help ease the chain of succession, make employees feel more connected to the business, and encourage the sharing of information throughout the organization. While you probably know how important developing your employees is as a manager, that doesn't necessarily mean you have the time it takes to develop a leadership program that works all by yourself. That's where we come in. Kmet Consulting is Your One Stop HR Shop. We specialize in giving businesses the HR help they need for all kinds of issues. If this sounds like something your company would be interested, we should talk. Please give us a call today at 877-783-5638.




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