Keep Your Employees Engaged at Work

How engaged are your employees at work? As a leader, have you ever asked yourself that question? According to the Inc. sixty-eight percent of employees are disengaged at work. Why does this matter? When your employees are happy and engaged in what are doing, they will most likely produce better results for you and your company can overall be more successful. Sometimes, as a leader, it can be very easy to forget about what really matters and that's how your employees are doing as people and what you can be doing, as a manager to help them grow. For HR help developing your employees, give Kmet Consulting a call today at 877-783-5638. Keep reading for a few tips for keeping your employees engaged at work.

Tips for Keeping Your Employees Engaged at Work

Communicate with your team and "be real".
Create a culture of open communication within your office. Allow employees to "be real" with you and do the same in return. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you are constantly sharing your ideas for the big picture with your team and be open about what you see for the future of the company. Try:

  • Weekly meetings
  • Monthly company lunches
  • Weekly team breakfast outings

Figure out what setting works best for you team communication and make a habit out of doing that constantly.

Give your employees the tools they need to be successful.
Are you providing the education, training, and equipment your employees need to their jobs successfully? For example, if you own a marketing company and it's apparent that your Graphic Designer needs a new laptop and the current one they use is failing, be sure it is fixed in a timely manner of that they have a new one to do their job effectively. These are the needed expenses and you are investing in your employees!

Give recognition and thanks!
If your employees don't feel appreciated, how long do you expect them to stick around? Recognize them for the great work they do for you and figure out how they feel most comfortable being recognized, whether that be:

  • A thank you card
  • Ackowledgement in front of the whole team
  • A free lunch
  • Posting their good work on a note and starting an employee thank you board
Doing things like this can create a pleasant employee culture, which is good for employee retention.

Show an interest in your employees as people.
Ask your employees how they are doing and if they come into work upset one day, take the time to ask if they are ok. Showing that you care can go a long way.

Keep Your Employees Engaged with Kmet Consulting

Employees being engaged at work is key to having low turnover rates and high employee retention. At the end of the day, work shouldn't feel like the worst place on Earth for your employees. You should have the type of company culture that excites employees to come to work every day. Hire people who are passionate about the work they are doing and allow them to do what they do best for you. If you need assistance developing you employees, there is no shame in asking for outside help. Sometimes an outside perspective can do wonders, so give our HR consulting company a call at 877-783-5638 or visit our website for more information on how we can help your company grow at


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